we’re back, or not, we’re not sure

We’ve been quite quiet lately as we:

a) recover from the most stressful, exhausting work experience ever in life and decide what that means to self

b) move halfway across the planet

c) contemplate the meaning of why squirrels cannot wield edged weapons in defense of their stash against other squirrels

d) do we want to even continue this blog

e) elves

f) why Tommy Brady remains the most insufferable human being since Freud

The answer to all (specifically (d)) is, we’re not sure.  I mean, I know what my Guests want, but the phone book supply for the whole planet has run out.  So they’ve lost their major playing card.

The truth is, I’m just not sure what to do with this blog at this point.  If you blog long enough, you realize the departure rate for blog authors is probably north of 95% within five years.  And we’re about at that point.  Folks just seem to eventually reach the point they move on in their lives.

Maybe we’re there, maybe not.  Not sure.  But for the six or seven or thirty degenerates who regularly read this lunacy, that’s where we’ve been.

If we close up shop for good, we’ll tell you so you can mourn not one second afterwards.  Or, we’ll get back into the action.  Either way.